Often if I have thousands of a commodity, I will dump it at the cheapest price on the market just so that I can minimise the time I have to expend offloading my stock and can spend more time farming. Not to mention this seller mentality is also personally inefficient depending on circumstance. It's just wasting people's time if they can see you have a huge stock at a low price and then message you only to have you raise the price.

If you want to charge a premium for bulk, price your goods at the premium price. If you posted your shit at a lower price then upped it midway through when he expressed wanting bulk, you're sorta in the wrong.

If you priced your currency at the higher price to begin with then the guy in your SS is wrong. PoE Tool Development and #tool-dev on Discord!įlair Filters Casual Veteran Filter No Fluff No Lazy Sunday Information Discussion Video MTX Showcase Item Showcase Feedback All PoE Hideouts and #in-game-showcase on Discord! PoE Consoles Community and Path Of Exile Console Discord GGG's Guide to Fixing Connectivity Issues r/PathofExile's Frequently Given Answers page Service/Challenge/Harvest Craft Trading: /trade 820 or Path Of Exile Trading DiscordĬhallenge Completion Sharing (no trading): /global 4040 Path of Exile Discord! Path of Exile Trading Discord Light Dark Rules Stash tab sales usually occur every 3 weeks. ~s~ Megathreads Directory click me!➔ 3.17 Threadsģ.17 Starts (Console): February 9th Stash Tab Sale Dates (PST)

Water Nova Effect discounted to 5 Points and 19 more.