(Padds is a CAD and detailing module that forms part of the PROKON Structural Analysis and Design package). AutoPadds offers almost identical functionality to Prokon’s Padds, but in the AutoCAD® environment. It supports data exchange formats with third-party software: DXF and DWG drawings, and CIS/2 CIMsteel three-dimensional structural models. AutoPadds is an extension, created by Prokon, for AutoCAD® that turns it into a full featured reinforced concrete detailing system. PROKON uses a workflow that output data between analysis, design and detailing modules. PROKON appears on the Hong Kong Building Department list of pre-accepted computer programs for use in Hong Kong. The software includes full support for British, European and South African design codes, with some modules also supporting North American, Australian, New Zealand, Russian and selected Asian design codes.

Effective steel, concrete, and timber structures can be build using this software. Fpr Prokon Tutorials for Beginners in English: bit.ly/2YL0SwO For How to Design a Double Story Building: bit.ly/2KSx5f1 For Prokon Slab Design Tutorials.
Composite: Composite steel and concrete member design. Free Prokon 2 4 Keygen Downloadl Prokon - WikiMili, The Free Encyclopedia Prokon manual - PDF Document PROKON TUTORIAL DOWNLOAD Prokon Prokon. This software can be used for free by students and teachers in the construction industry for performing structural analysis.It supports over 400,000 conversions, in 26 different categories, both to and from the SI (metric), Imperial (English. From ShowMe Software: ProKon is an impressive engineering units conversion utility for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. Concrete: Reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete member design. PROKON 3 is Placed on Our High speed dedicated server with the High-speed download of PROKON 3 Latest For Pc.Steel: Structural steel member and connection design.Analysis: Three-dimensional frame and finite element analysis.PROKON software comprises over 40 modules in the following categories: The Prokon company and PROKON software name is an acronym for the Afrikaans phrase "PROgrammatuur KONsultante" (programming consultants).